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the plan

the plan is to make a 3d model of the Galliano probe.

and make a animation explaining how it works. there will be a few parts that will be explained in detail using captions.

research plan

links that i will use

i am going to split the resherch into a few sections.

week 2, understand the basics of how and                     what this probe was used for

week 3 start looking into more technical areas that will be explained in the infographic

week 4/5 smaller reshersh projects

week 6/7 cheking that my resherch

examples of what i plan on making

week 3

research plan for this week i plan on focsing on some smaller parts of this subject so i can get a better understanding of what how and why with such a complex craft.

areas i hope to cover this week


how will i do the texturing for the  Soler paniles 

what the rtg on this craft does and how will i model it


this is just an overvew on jupter to give a grater understanding of how important this mission was.

jupter is the largest planit in the solersystem with a mass two and a half times that of all other objects in the solerstem exculdin the sun. its the third brightest object in the nighit sky exculding man made sats. jupter is composed of 90 percent hydrogen and 10 percent helim.


what did gallaoi discover  about jupiter

galleao was the craft that comfermd the theory about what the composition of Jupiter is.

gallao took loads of footage of a commit hitting the surface of Jupiter as well as its entry probe. it discover a lot of data about its moon Europa which is thorised that it could contain life becuse of observations that liquid water could be under the icy surface.

why did the misson come to an end

beces of risk of contaminating jupters moons and the admitaly slim chance of life on Europa. this is because the craft was not sterilised before being launched into space and new standers were now required to reduce the risk of contaminating planets. becuse of this and that the life spane of galliao was coming to a end with juna on the way the craft was sent into jupter and went dark on September 21 2003 at 18,57


high gain antenna problem

the mane attena failed to open properly due to the craft being in storige for 4 years before the launch because of delays cused by the challenger disaster. the craft as still able to send data using its smaller antenna and the nasa deep space network. this is one of the compnets i will be portraying in my animation.

how does it work

there are two moters that drive this antena to open with a higer geard averbull if one moter fails.

galliao rtg

download (1).jpg

two of these rtgs were used on galliao. this is one of the componets i plan of 3d modling for the animation because of its sigifercunce in the mission.

a rtg acts like a nuclure battry the decaying particals emit heat that is then turend to electrisity. they decay over time losing efficacy

the decaying materal is inside a contaer with thermo coplers on the outside as heat is produced the diffrence in heat between two meatls in the thermo copler produce a magnetc current/flow of electrons


appollo 14s rtg

here is a link to a interactive 3d model of a rtg
Radioisotope thermal generator - Energy Education

half life is a large problem with rtgs in the gallao mihson there was a problem with the craft being delayed so the rtg lost 20 percent of its effectiveness due to the half life of 238PU the subetence used in rtgs.


week 3 reflection

i am happy with the way my research is coming along i am going to try and write more of what i am finding out down because it feels like i am writing down less then is needed. for week 4 i am going to continue my research for the mane fuselage and how i will model it.

rtg 3.gif

this is first test for using Jupiter as a backdrop

week 4

week 4 plan

the first part of this week will be about making Jupiter as realistic as i can so lots of the research will be around texturing.

jupiter does not emit lighit in the visserbull spectrem.




how did the. camra take and send the photos it used a charge coupled device a interated circuit  .



week 4 evaluation

a lot of the time this week was spent making the probe so i did not have much time for reshesh so i will fill out these sections at the start of week 5

week 5

the plan for week 5 is to continu modling the mane asset so there wont be much in the way of resurch.

more random research

the misson number was sts 34 the shuttle was alantas.

week 5 reflection

i spent most of my time this week working of the mane asset so i did not do much in the way of written work.

but i am quite pleased with how the practical is going i am now going to be doing a lot more reasherch for the scriped explaining how the components work.

week 6

they are thrusters that are used for small agustments in chamra angle and mantaning orbut they are used to controll the craft in it desenct into hupiters atmosthere

rac resherch



i gave texturing a small go in substance and will probaly use it more currenly i have a few more small tewaks i need to make to the mesh before i start texturing on a large scale

story bording /ideas

the rtg will split to show how it functions could include a small 2d animation of how it works but this will be a very end thing. over all mishum explanation will take a while and will be a spinning shot of the craft with some starts and moons in the background.

the dish will have a explantion about what went wrong and how it was fixed.


space shuttle challenger disaster

this dissater dlayed the galliayo mishan by a few years problems cussed by this are,the rtg had allready expled some of its energy,the mane dish got damiged in the years the craft spent in storige. becuse of the dissater and having to be lauched later the misson could not send the full amount of data that was needed

sister ship

the gallao Jupiter probe had a sister that was sent to satern it was called Cassini  it was killed in 2017 wehn it was sent in to one of saterns rings this was to stop it contamting other areas like with galliao.

how the craft was propelled to jupiter

the easter brake is over this ection will be a plan for the last few weeks of collige.

week 7

i were starting to slowdown last term with the amount of work i were doing to try and combat this i will try to do 1 writtan task and one practicxal a day.

story board

this is a revised story board for week 7


this will play then it will start zooming on parts and showing how they work. first the rtg the the ras ports then the caple will drop of and show and explne what its perpes is 


writing the scripet for what happens hear

this is a rtg . rado theroscopic genrator it used the heat genrated from plutnume. this heat will heat up one meatle plate and the heat diffrence between the two plates makes a magnect feled the two plates are called thermo collplers and there what genrates the elctristy for the space craft.

i need to condense this to be readerbull in only a few seconds

entry pod explation

i am going to have the enrty pod ditach from the rest of the craft and proced twords jupiter the chamra will folow the enry craft and will explane some history about the end of the anmation i will run more information about the craft in a credit real.

list of things that the craft discoverd

week 8

evalation as of 04/05/2022

i am starting to feel some presshire as the due date is coming close i am geting close to finishing the animation and are starting to write the scripted and edit the animation. for explaning how the craft work i feel that i am going to need to have a few day were i just improve my understanding of the basics of space flight.

condensing the crafts functions and mission to 200 words

because of current events in the wold NASA has started doing a advertising push with there sls rocket being tested later this year. the iss is probaly only going to be in use for the next few years due to rusha not re verifying how much longer the craft will be in use for.

the craft was luanced by a space shuttle to leo and then propelled itself to jupiter orbit it discoverd many intersting thing about jupiters moons as well as jupite its self such as the being liquid water on eropa. the craft was sent in to jupiter in the early 2000nds to avoid risking cross conatamnating overplanits with life that mite of satayed on the craft.

this is missing lots of key information hear is a more informative version 

Galileo was launched to Earth orbit on October 18, 1989 by Space Shuttle Atlantis . the craft then used its own propulsion to achieve a venus gravity assist  on the pass of venus the craft took some photos and did  some small experiments. on november 28 1990 the craft had a sucsesfull trim manover that helped it acheve a earth gavaty assest by december 8 the craft came with in 590 miles of earth with this manover and it sent it  towards  the atroed belt to prepere for the final gravity assist on earth  2 years later.

i am going to provide a more detaled explanation about this part of the craft. as well as anmate it being dissersembeld

this section links to my final project because i am animating this section of the craft entering Jupiter

gallao entry probe


end of week 8

next week i will be putting my anamtion in adobe premire an adding the freez frames as well as finish the rendering for the final cut and order of the anmation

this week is going to be focesed on affetreffects

week 9

what do i want to edit in to the video

the video will need text and some small amounts of motion blur edited in. freze frames will also need to be added for the text to run on

freeze frames

using a frame that has been saved from rendering you can just drag this into the time line on aftereffects then time remapping is used to change the length of the frezze frame

animated text

for the text i am going to use the adobe difult text groups for the tranistions

more explantions on how parts work

week 10

there is one more week after this one of the project my plan for this week is to spen 2 h a day on the the blog outside of collige and spend the time in collige on finishing the project.

i have done some modling research across the whole project i have condensed it into this section of links and notes.


why have i left the textures plain

I have left some textures on the craft plain due to how the craft is textured in real life the bottom is gold and the rest is black i did try to replcatein substance but hit some problems with the uvw being a bit messy and ended up just using a bump map of the sat dish to give it the look of cables running along the length apart from that its all just plain materials with different opacity or metal percenges.

evaluation for week 10

the project is coming to a end what know needs to happen is improving the pre production section, and adding all the videos and photos to the practical part of the blog. I do think the planning has been not that good for the last week and am having problems with procrastination I plan on fixing this for the last weeks by getting back to when ever i am at my pc just doing 10m of blog work this will hopefully allow me to finish in time.

week 11

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