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final project brain storm

idea 1

my first ideas for this project are a unreal game were your in a museum of space history this wont be game play originated game it will be more of a walking sim were you learn about history of the space race.

problems this idea it that its a bit to ambishas and i probably wont have the time to complete it

idea 2

idea two involves a game that will be low Polly were you are InControl of a bird flying across a forest. for the game play to finish you will need to leave the forest without hitting any trees.the bird would be made in mudbox and the trees will be made in 3ds.

idea 3

this idea is like idea one in that you would learn about the history of some kind of space event but instead of it being a game it would be a animation made in 3d max. the artstyle would be medeame polly.

idea 4

this idea is one that i have been considering for a long while and that is a 3d character bust i do not think i would do i becuse of how much over 3d sculpting i have done over the last projects.i do think i will probably do 3d sculpting in what ever idea i chose

developing 2 of these ideas

idea 3

Animation on the history of space craft possoerbull crafts i would do the history on are the lipstick rocket a cold war British space craft.what would i make and reasherch for an idea like this i would need to make the mane craft in all stages of flighit i will need to recrate blue prints for how it asembells and then have an explaneation of how it works. the reasherch for an idea like this will need to be on way it was abandond and what was it ment to do.

other craft i could do are ,vostok,syouz,chinas craft,chinas space station. early space craft used to get to the space stations. cargo vessels used for the iss. there are a lot of space craft i could pick for this idea what i would want is a space craft that is vissualy intersting.

idea 2

The bird will be sculpted in mudbox with wings that have been made in 3ds max the birt will be animated in a cartoon way with a low polly look. the forist will be made out of tres and some tents scaterd around.

the enviroment will be quite dark with the lighit emiting from the head of the bird.

what idea did i pick and why

I have decided to progress on idea 3 with the history of space craft animation. i could still insted of having it as an animation make it a game in ureal were you can interacet with the craft but this will take to long for the time i have.

i now need to make a reserch plan and make a list of areas i need to reaserch.

project proposal

This section is still planning I am deciding what i want to animate for the final project this section is just my first idea

what space craft could i pick 

black arrow

black arrow ticks a lot of my boxes it has a intersting development uses a unuqe polshan and has a distinkt look with the faring being painted red(lipstik rockit)

UK Space Agency Black Arrow.jpg


vostok/soyuz family of space craft.

this is the most flown crewed space craft made by the rushans in the cold war earlier versions of this were the first craft to carre humans in to space. organly was ment for a moon program that got scrapet after the amercans got there. currenly used for geting crew to and from the space stashon.

was the only craft that could get crew to the space stashon after the shuttle was scraped. 

OIP (2).jfif


expendable launch system operated by mitsubishi heavy industry's.

this is japans cargo launching space craft 



this is the craft used by esa to get craft like James Webb into space there are a lot of varents for this platform this will make so i can go for quite a interesting looking craft. this probaly the most likly for me make as of how much documattion about how it works floting around.




launched by a space shuttle used to study Jupiter. lunched in 1985 studied Jupiter's atmosphere. this would be an interesting craft to do a animation on because of its look and the amount going on with the craft some problems that i could have is making the heat shield.



Hubble would be interesting to modle with all the radios and rsc ports used for pointing and holding the scope at points of interest.

there are some parts that would need to be 3d sculpted such as the foil cover.

download (21).jfif

science fiction space craft

there is a posserbullity that i could make a space craft from a film then have the animation about how i think it could work.



gantt chart


the plan is to have all the research out the way before i start production some production will happen at the same time as the research is like modelling tests and texturing practise .


what craft have i picked

for the final projet i have decided to 3d modle the galliao probe used to investigate jupter. this is becus of there is a lot going on with the looks.

has a few moving parts.

a seprate part that crashes into jupter.

bibliography (n.d.). Radioisotope thermal generator - Energy Education. [online] Available at:

NASA. (2000). NASA Images. [online] Available at:

Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Galileo (spacecraft). [online] Wikipedia. Available at: (2015). Solar System Exploration. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Mar. 2022].

NASA on The Commons (1969). Apollo 10 Roll-out. [online] Flickr. Available at: [Accessed 16 Mar. 2022].

Galileo Orbiter - Download Free 3D model by Snowfall (@snowfall) [19c3c6e] (

photo mind map


this is a mix of photos of galliao a 3d render of the craft and some photos of what gallao photographed

theoretical research

people that will be waching my anamtion will whant the infomation to be correct becuse of how easy it is to get stem information wrong.

infografic mood board


the way that infomation is flashing up on iornmans screen is the type of look i could go for in my infograthic. the nasa anmation used in the mucik vido

asset list

i will be making a rtg, antenna ,the crafts main body. these parts will

probably take the hole time due to how complex they are 

is there anyting i know now that would of made the project easer

using quick loops and extrude to block out a complex shape fast with out having to go into the edit Polly menu i learn of this technech when i were making the entry probe. i made the dish using vertex mode and extrude and it was a lot slower then just selecting a loop doing it with quick loop also ends up with cleaner looking geomatry

servay feed back


i have used this feed back to change the text size spelling mistakes and the lighting some areas i could not change was draw a blueprint for the opening section in time and make higerqullity textures i did try using substance painter but the craft is maid of plain collers and texturing did not make much of a difference.

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