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week 2 rtg

this is the section for week 2 is were i am starting to make the rtgs for the animation

my refrances for this model

photos and resorces i used to get this model

making this model

test rtg.JPG

i am going to use a ring wave wich is found in the extended primteve menu the ring wave will then have a cylinder inserted inside it and using bollen the cyilender will now have the imprint of the ring wave.

The GPHS-RTG has an overall diameter of 0.422 m and a length of 1.14 m.

i think the texture need a bit of improvement it will probably help if i use a bump map


writing the script

this section is going to be wear i plan the most important area of this project explaining how the component works this is just going to be what will apere in the text box for the rtg. i am going to restik my self to 50 words pere section but still need explne the pricerbulls of how it works

what needs to be included

problems with the rtg

how and why

first animation test

rtg 3.gif

the craft


the photo obove i the start of making the probe as you can see the dish stated as a tube that hade been scaield ansd using quick loop i changed its shape to mach that of the space craft. 

this is a mock up i will add to and improve to make the final project.

= drg xcv.PNG

how i make the scafolding booms


to make the scafolding i used bullon.

i did incounter some problems with making the scafolding with how the bollan tool makes its holes they ended up being lopsided i fixed that with the vertacy tool.

this part of the craft is used to proplle the mass and positan it to bring areas in to frame and positan the lense for photos as well as use the dish.


making the rac ports

to make the rac ports i started with a cube that i used quikloop to add more vertices that was used to give curvature to the port.

sadly some of this vido was correupeted so you can only see the start of modeling

the problem is beuse the files are being saved in a format that is not compaterbull with much sothet wear

i have recorded my work using obs but am having problems getting them on the website 


this is what the anmation looks like from a diffrent angle . there is a part at the start were nothing happns this is were the chamra is spining around.

i did have some problems with the Gallio rig that were fixed usi9ng the grope all setting after making the animation then doing the rotation after once the craft was grouped together this way is not perfect and a quick fix for not making a rtg but making a rig for this craft would not work with how i am currently having parts of it pop off to show how they work

entry probe animation


i have made this craft out of 3 peces the heat sheled lower upper then the main body the parshot gets realesed in the anamtion. to acheve the complex chaping with one object i used quick loop and extrude with inset to add the complex parts i also used the split moderfyer to allow me to change geomarty on one side of a face without upsetting the whole face 


final info frame

for the ending i am going to have a render of a space shuttle with the crago bay doors open with gallaio inside this will be a still frame just to have a ending to the anmation in this sequnce i will include some photos and discoverys the craft made in it carrea.


photo shop expmation

this is me trying diffrent way to make logos and fix frames of my animation using photoshop i decide agenced using this in the final project due to the amount of work needed in more impotent areas

making the end sequence


this end sequence is really simple the craft is on a path cotraint arond a 2d shape. this is orbating earth. the craft is moving backward becuse its preforming a deslarion maover i ended up fliping the craft in the final cut so it going forwards


time line.JPG

why there seems to not be much in
this section

i had problems with some of my obs recordings not being compasterbull with vidoedditers or my vido edditer crashing and frezzing half of the vido

if i were to make his project agean i would not be reallying on obs to get vidos of the modderling becuse of how unreallierbull it is at saving the recordings. i would also try a bit longer at using substance painter the main problem i had when using it was that i made the modle in a way tat was hard to uvw unrap with out having weired lines or cliping issuse so would if i were to make the modle agen make it out of many simpler objects raver then one block thats been extruded. i am pleased with how the main moddle came out but it could of been improved with those changes

= drg xcv.PNG

animation things i would improve

one of the biggised things i would add is the moons of jupiter for the shot that has jupiter in the background  i would of also renderd using a sun in the background insted of using a spot lighit i had problems with a sun and shadows but i know now that i can change the iqr so the object does not dissplay shadows. the iqr change would be done on the serfice of jupiter on the enrty parrt of the anmation becuse you can breefly see a shadow from the craft on the floor of the box i renderd in. in the rush to get evrything done i did miss adding the lens to the platfor that hold the chanras so so the chamra on the craft is missing its lense. apart from those problems i am plesed with the way the rtg dissersembells i just wish i rote more about how the craft worked this was not able to happen just due to the scale of the mission such as how the antena jammed and the whole mission was spoent using a secondery antenna i would of loved to modeld the faield antenna it was just to much and i had to scale back on the explation side of the anmation. over all i do beleve the pratcal has been verry susessfull just wish i used my time better.

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